Sunday, December 02, 2007


Yesterday I went wedding dress shopping with my sister. Did I mention that she is engaged? She's getting married this coming June to a wonderful guy she met in college. They are very cute together!

I was happy that I avoided wedding dress shopping for my wedding. I didn't need that stress at all! My sister, however, doesn't stress over things like I do. I think she had fun with it. She came out twirling around and striking poses. She endured her friends having her try on some very hideous dresses; dresses that no one would look good in. She also tried on some absolutely gorgeous dresses!

She found a dress on the clearance rack and took it home that day. It is the prettiest wedding dress I have seen, second only to my dress. Finding her dress caused her to switch her wedding colors and bridesmaid dresses. She's putting me in something like this:

It's the socks that really make it. If I look unhappy it's because I am plotting how to get back at my sister and get away with it. Actually, she picked a much more flattering dress and I think she's going to have a beautiful wedding!

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