Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let me explain. No. There is too much. Let me sum up.

I have some advice for all of you: Don't try and move to a different state 2 weeks after Christmas. If you are going to do this, don't plan on making personalized Christmas gifts, or selling a car, or looking for a job, or finding a place to live all at the same time. You will lose it.

Our lives have pretty much consisted of AHHHHAHHHAHHAAAHHHHH as we try and get everything done. So to sum up I present you with a list! A Christmas list of all of our craziness.

1. We have started giving awards to certain types of Christmas cards we get this year. So far we have determined winners for the most boring Christmas letter, the most naked baby photo, the smallest, the funniest, the longest letter, and the Christmas Cleavage Award. Yes. We got a photo that was way too little faces and way too much boob. And in all honestly, it's disturbing to see your mom like that.

2. We've found a place to live in Kentucky which means that I can cross of my To Do list, "Not be homeless", which I think is a major accomplishment. We looked at some pretty junky places before we found a beautiful little duplex (with washer and dryer hook-ups!). One place we looked at was a 100 year old house that was in desperate need of an overhaul. It was at that house that Ben and I realized (again) how different we are. Ben decided that we couldn't rent the place because of the moldy ceilings, the broken windows and $200 a month heating bill. I decided we couldn't rent that place because I couldn't live the floral wallpaper that was everywhere! It was tacky and it clashed with our beautiful new couch.

3. I still hate wal-mart. Enough said.

4. I had a job interview this week down in Kentucky. It went really well, except for the part of the interview where I took a test. That involved long division. Do you know how long it's been since I have done long division by hand? Anyone care to hazard a guess? Since Jr. High. If this job requires long division by hand I can't do it. I just circled some answer for that part of the test and moved on.

5. I love me some Christmas time!

6. Doesn't it seem like this list should have 10 items in?

7. Unfortunately, it's my bedtime and 7 is all we will have time for tonight. Goodnight!

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