Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In case my day job doesn't work out....

First off, this is the 300th post of the blog at this address (oldcomfyshoes.blogspot.com). That makes between my old and current blog, 550 blog posts. Do I seriously have that much to say? Apparently. Although less people read it now than before so I am guessing I am getting more boring. Sorry.

But! Today Ben and I came up with a BRILLIANT idea. Bill Gates has nothing on this innovation. We think that the features of two great programs, Facebook and Outlook, should be merged. Think about it. You are sitting at work and someone sends you a nasty e-mail, in this new program - FaceLook - you can throw a sheep at them. If a coworker does a great job you could send them a smiley face or a unicorn. You could choose how you want to send back that return receipt on that e-mail with either a thumbs up or a flaming bag of poop depending on your mood. You could set-up polls to see where your coworkers want to go for lunch or to find out what everyone really thinks about your boss. In FaceLook you could not only be professional co-workers but you could also be friends.

I think that this will catch on, it just may take a few years...

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